Friday, January 21, 2005


The Big DAY -Final Year Project Presentation

NED Campus ---1100Hrs
We arrive at our campus fully equipped with all our gadget ,speakers and our desktop system.The previous night was quite exhausting, we had gone through an extensive check list to ascertain that every thing worked smoothly.

NED Campus ---1130 hrs
We stroll to the Computational Lab where the final show down is due to take place. We start unpackaging all our goodies and arrange them on the table. We get our hands on the new HP On Screen Projector . This guy is known for it's crisp projection capabilites.

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1200 hrs
After completing all the connections between the projector, desktop and our LOMOS Gadget we turn on the PC. The Majestic screen of Windows Server 2003 pops up . We run our LOMOS Client which is the remote interface to monitor the LOMOS system (Any way for all those non
techies out there ,LOMOS which stands for LOOM Monitoring System is a gadget we developed as our final year project.This dude will be installed on a loom machine to monitor it's RPM,Production and Efficiency and relay all this information to a remotely located Lomos Client).

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1215 hrs

The Lomos Clients shows it's Splash Screen . With a slick interface designed using Photoshop this guy is a real treat to watch. Oh by the way we've also added Speech Recognition capability to it ,in a way to make it extremely easy for a client to operate it using speech commands.
We first test the speech recog capability.Cool!!! it works perfectly .Next we test the other Features. The LOMOS Client is spread in four modules
1. Main Control Center
2.VisualAnalysis Center
3.Data Capture Center
4.Data Reporting Center

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1330 hrs

Phew!!! That was quite intensive . It's almost lunch time and we have'nt had our breakfast . But still we survive on a glass of PEPSI. We take a short break.

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1400 hrs

We quickly reherse our presentation to sync what each one will be doing.

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1500 hrs

It's almost time to start our presentation .We're waiting for our external to arrive.

NED Campus --Auditorium Entrance -1515 hrs

We get a call that our external has arrived and go to fetch him from the auditorium entrance.

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1530 hrs

We're good to go . Ok so here is how's it's going to go.First of all me and Faisal will be delivering the main content of the presentation .Next it will be followed by a brief demonstration of our project , followed by a key note on future enhancements and note of thanks.

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1535 hrs

I find my self standing in the arena with the projector splashing every photon on the projector screen.Faisal introduces the group members and i start explaining the baseline architecture and the solution architecture followed by an indepth insight on the implementation by Faisal.
It's quite entertaining to manipulate the mind of the audience and take them on a thrilling journey.

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1600 hrs

After our sprint presentation we're in for the demonstration . We fire up the LOMOS Client .First we go through the Data Acquisition Capabilites and how the data is captured and reported .Next we perform all these steps through voice commands. This is the most interesting part as every faculty member takes her/his turn to command LOMOS . The Lomos Client is quite agile as it's responds rapidly to commands and works perfectly. All in all the the show enthralls the audience and we receive an applause .

NED Campus --Computational Lab -1630 hrs

Ok the shows over but our appetite has infact reached it's climax. We're in for a treat. We gather our faculty and we're off to enjoy a hot crispy broast from a nearby eatery


The Big Day .The LOMOS guys and our Teachers


The Guys behind LOMOS .Starting from left Mr Saad Ahmed Siddiqi, Myself( Mr Salman Mehmood), Mr Khizer Saeed and Mr Faisal Abdel Kader

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